

Why did the client come to us?

Cake, a revolutionary project aiming to simplify the world of NFTs with its “easy bake oven” concept, approached us in need of an online presence. They sought a strategy to launch a site, rank for SEO, and generate buzz within the NFT and Web3 communities.


What were the core parts of the solution?

Our comprehensive approach for Cake encompassed the development of a visually captivating website that mirrored the project’s simplicity and innovation. We focused on optimizing the site for search engines, ensuring Cake’s visibility within the competitive NFT space.


What was the outcome?

The results were a stunning site that was as innovative as Cake itself. Cake’s online presence flourished, capturing the attention of NFT enthusiasts and fans of the umbrella company, Goodmonth Labs. The website’s optimization efforts led to increased organic traffic, establishing Cake as a go to solution for the generation of NFTs. The easy bake oven concept made it easy to generate NFTs for communities, spreading the word of the NFT and Web3 space.

This is an image of mac desktop.
This is an image of a green graph.



Why did the client come to us?

Cake, a revolutionary project aiming to simplify the world of NFTs with its “easy bake oven” concept, approached us in need of an online presence. They sought a strategy to launch a site, rank for SEO, and generate buzz within the NFT and Web3 communities.


What were the core parts of the solution?

Our comprehensive approach for Cake encompassed the development of a visually captivating website that mirrored the project’s simplicity and innovation. We focused on optimizing the site for search engines, ensuring Cake’s visibility within the competitive NFT space.


What was the outcome?

The results were a stunning site that was as innovative as Cake itself. Cake’s online presence flourished, capturing the attention of NFT enthusiasts and fans of the umbrella company, Goodmonth Labs. The website’s optimization efforts led to increased organic traffic, establishing Cake as a go to solution for the generation of NFTs. The easy bake oven concept made it easy to generate NFTs for communities, spreading the word of the NFT and Web3 space.

This is an image of mac desktop.
This is an image of mac desktop.
This is an image of a green graph.